Manage projects to allow builders to set up and modify projects
within the account.
Add Project
to Top
Navigation Path
Admin > Projects
Use this to add a new project to the BuildTopia account.
- Select the Add Project link.
- Complete all required
project information. Use text fields and pull-down menus to enter:
- Project Name
- Company Name
- Project Administrator
- Project Manager - The Project
Manager displays in BTService on the owners records. It records
the person responsible for the management of the project.The project
manager field is used primarily for BTService only customers that want
to know who was the project manager during the construction process.
- Project Address; City, State or Province, Zip, Country, County
- As desired, use text boxes and pull-down menus
to enter optional information.
- Select Save to
save the project information and return to the Projects screen. As
necessary, select Cancel to delete project
information and return to the Projects screen.
Modify Project Information
to Top
Navigation Path
Admin > Projects
Use this to update an existing project in a project.
- Select the Edit link
for the specific project to be modified.
- Select Save to
save changes and return to the Projects screen.
Archive/Delete Project
to Top
Navigation Path
Admin > Projects
Use this to archive an existing project. An archived project will still appear in BTService.
- Select the Edit link
for the specific project to be modified.
- Change the Status field to Archived.
- Select Save to
save changes and return to the Projects screen.